

An OHSAS 18001 compliant Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) provides the information necessary to understand the occupational health and safety policies in place at the company. This management system provides an objective basis for verifying a company's claims about its performance. The key to a successful OHSMS is having documented procedures that are implemented and maintained in daily business operations. In addition, the OHSMS must include appropriate monitoring and review to ensure effective functioning and to identify and implement corrective measures in a timely manner.
An OHSMS is a continuous progression of compliance, improvement and prevention. The following outlines the basic requirements to obtain compliance:
Establish an OH&S Policy
The OH&SS policy describes a company's shared vision, commitment and direction in occupational health and safety. This includes the company's intentions in occupational health and safety performance as well as a framework for objectives.
Determine OH&S Risks and Their Control
A company should identify hazards, assess risks and implement control measures in an ongoing basis. The methodology used shall be defined and consistent.
OHS Objectives and Programs To establish the OH&S objectives, the company should consider its legal and any other applicable requirements, the OH&S risks and hazards, its technology, business and operational options. The company should look at the views of the interested parties as well.
The steps, scope, time frame, costs and responsibilities of the programs need to be defined in order to develop and implement an OHSMS that meets the company's objectives.
Implementation and Operation In order to implement the OHSMS effectively, responsibilities should be defined. The management should commit adequate resources for this purpose. Only qualified personnel, through training, education, and/or experience will perform tasks with OHS risks and hazards. Document should be up-to-date and data should be controlled. They are accessible whenever they are needed. The company should identify procedures to control certain activities and operations, including the emergency preparedness and response plans.
Monitor Activities and Take Corrective Action As the measuring and monitoring activities and internal OHSMS audits identify areas for improvement, corrective action must be taken immediately to alleviate any negative impact of the nonconformance.
Review and Evaluate Performance The ongoing management review of the OHSMS and its elements helps to ensure continual improvement in the company. To ensure the continuing effectiveness of the OHSMS, management should regularly review and evaluate audits, corrective action, legislation and other critical information.