

OHSAS 18000 Standards

Benefits of

OHSAS Institutions

OHSAS 18001 provides companies with the framework to develop a solution to the increasing challenges facing them in the workplace today - from high injury and illness, lost work days, increasing occupational health and safety regulations, large citations/penalties, rising worker's compensation costs, costly medical claims, worker retention and employee satisfaction.
Traditionally, occupational health and safety management was a reactionary process with companies only acting on work related incidents after they had occurred rather than implementing the means to control work related risks. Many companies who have implemented an OHSAS 18001 compliant Occupational Health and Safety Management System have reported benefiting from increased operational efficiencies, reduction in lost work days, fewer accidents and medical claims, recognition by insurers and regulators and improved worker' retention and satisfaction.
In addition to the overall workplace improvements and clear market advantages gained by OHSAS 18001 certification, companies implementing a compliant OHSMS can realize the following benefits:
Operational cost savings through OH&S programs
A reduced number of workplace accidents and injuries
Increased control of regulatory issues
Clear demonstration of legal and regulatory compliance to regulatory authorities,
customers and employees
Better management of health and safety risks on a planned and ongoing basis
Potential to reduce public liability insurance costs
Increased access to new customers and business partners through an improved
corporate image